60 Happy Affirmations That Instantly Make You Feel Better (2024)

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Happiness is no doubt the most desired state for every human being on our planet.

It means something different for everyone, but everyone passionately wants to have it.

Whether you know exactly what you need to be a happy person or not at all, you can achieve it with the right mindset! Today I prepared a collection of positive happy affirmations that will absolutely make your life better if you use them right!

Being happy is our birth right, so just accept that you deserve to be happy no matter what!

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.

Dalai Lama XIV

The power of positive daily affirmations is not some magical trick. They simply trigger the right feelings inside you that empower your brain and set you up for a happy life. Exactly how you imagine it in your most crazy wonderful dreams!

Of course, you can’t just stay in bed the whole day every day imagining being a millionaire. It’s not how it works. You will have to put some effort into achieving your dreams as nobody will do it for you.

Happy affirmations make your dreams more likely to happen by giving you the mental strength and power to succeed. They give you a reason to get up every day and work towards your goals.

Most importantly, they replace your negative thoughts with powerful positive messages that go directly to your brain and stay there if you repeat them often enough.

To support everything I just said, I found this amazing Youtube video that will give you a good example of how positive affirmations can improve your life in so many different ways. Watch it now!

See how amazing it feels when you achieve things you always wanted? Of course, it was through hard work and dedication, but using affirmations gave her the strength to do it all and made her believe that she can.

The book she mentioned in the video is You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life. It’s one of my absolute favorite books too: empowering, funny, smart, and full of life! If there was one inspirational book I’d recommend to anyone, it would be this one.

Now, let’s see what you can do to make happy affirmations work for your life!

Contents show

How To Get The Most Out Of Affirmations

Why so many people are skeptical about positive affirmations? Usually one of two reasons:

  • they have never tried saying affirmations so they never understood their power
  • they tried, but didn’t do it right or didn’t take it seriously

Here is what I want you to do to make the most of the affirmations to improve YOUR life.

1. Pick affirmations that speak to you from my collection below

Go through my lists of positive affirmations below and pick only those lines that your heart responds to. If you find yourself smiling reading some specific words, add them to your list. It doesn’t have to be a big list: remember that you’ll be saying these affirmations every day. Don’t let positive thoughts overwhelm you before you haven’t even started!

Choose the words that instantly make you feel good. You can tweak them however you want and apply to your life, but try to avoid the words like ‘not’, ‘won’t’ and such.

Instead of saying ‘I am not gonna be poor anymore’ say ‘I’m wealthy and enjoying my abundant life’. See how it’s more empowering right away? Сorrect wording is important to keep yourself away from negativity.

Form your own list and save it somewhere easily reachable!

It may be on your phone, tablet, or desktop, or any kind of paper reminder. Write post-its. Make a photo or a screenshot and set it as wallpaper on your device. Print it and hang it in your home office for a quick boost of mood when you need it. Bookmark this page in case you’ll want to come back for a fresh perspective and more happiness affirmations to add to your list. Whichever works for you!

Just make sure you can fetch this list in no time when you’re up for an affirmation session or just feeling a bit down.

2. Find a quiet place without distractions

60 Happy Affirmations That Instantly Make You Feel Better (1)

Similar to how it’s important to minimize distractions in the workplace, you need a few minutes of peace to focus and mindfully say your affirmations.

Find a short calm and peaceful moment in your day and use it for setting your mindset up for happiness. If you don’t seem to have time like that, make the time.

Make yourself a priority. You are important! You have to be happy so you can make other people in your life happy too.

If it’s always loud at home, your shower time may be a good place to say your affirmations. Or you may spend a few extra minutes in your car if you go somewhere every day by yourself. Add it to your routine so it’s easier to create a long-term habit.

If nothing else works, wake up just a couple of minutes earlier or go to bed a bit later. Five minutes won’t harm your sleeping patterns, but it will surely make a difference on how you feel on a daily basis.

3. Say your happy affirmations out loud

It may of course work if you just think the words, but it’ll be much more powerful if you actually pronounce them.

Don’t be afraid to sound silly! If you implemented the previous step, there is no one around to judge you. You may even do it in front of the mirror as if you were talking to a friend and convincing them that they are wonderful and deserve a happy life.

But in any case, saying affirmations mentally is better than not saying at all.

Find all useful mindfulness resources here

4. Practice saying affirmations until you sound confident

Happy affirmations will hardly work if you say them like a chore without thinking or believing. Make sure your heart and mind both hear you saying positive words. Make it believable!

You may even record yourself and listen to how you are saying it as if it wasn’t you! Does this person sound confident? Does it give a feeling that there is a strong belief behind the words?

I’ve listened to so many business and motivational podcasts in recent years that I can usually tell from the first words of an episode if I like the person or not. If I feel the connection or not. Confident voices always hook me right away just because they seem so professional! I never know if they tell the truth, but I don’t really care when they appear as experts and give me the push I need to keep going.

If someone was listening to your affirmations, would you appear self-confident?

5. Practice positive affirmations first thing the morning

60 Happy Affirmations That Instantly Make You Feel Better (2)

Thinking positive as soon as you wake up is an amazing way to start your day!

Imagine that every time you open your eyes in the morning someone looks at you and tells you how beautiful, great, and deserving you are. You’d instantly feel better and it would probably set your mood for the whole day, no matter what’s on your agenda.

So why not be that person for yourself? You can totally improve your own mood by saying all the wonderful things you need to hear!

No wonder a popular author Hal Elrod makes affirmations a big part of his life-changing morning routine. His book The Miracle Morning has impacted more than two million people because of the powerful easy-to-follow morning algorithm he created. There has to be something in it if so many people transformed their lives thanks to it!

As an alternative, you may choose to repeat your happy affirmations right before bed. This way you are setting your intention for the next day to be as happy as it can be. More than that, your dreams most likely are gonna be happier and in some cases reflect what you said during your affirmations. And who knows, you might even get an insight or two in your sleep on how to make your life a better place for you!

People claim enormous positive changes in their lives thanks to positive affirmations. Why not try for yourself? It won’t make anything worse, for sure.

Most Powerful Happy Affirmations To Say Every Day

60 Happy Affirmations That Instantly Make You Feel Better (3)

Positive Affirmations For A Happy Life

  1. I am seeing myself positive, joyful, and peaceful now.
  2. I am free to create the life I desire.
  3. Everything I need is already within me.
  4. I am living a peaceful, empowered life.
  5. I am a positive being, aware of my potential.
  6. I do what I love, and it creates huge wealth in my life.
  7. I can have, be or do anything.
  8. I am allowing the creative power of the Universe to flow through me.
  9. I choose to be happy every day.
  10. My natural state is happiness and joy. I live there.
  11. Every fiber of my being radiates positive energy.
  12. I enjoy a life of happiness, health, and harmony.
  13. No matter what happens today, I will find the positive in it.
  14. I have universal energy within me.
  15. I choose happiness and joy in each and every moment.

See all tools and resources for a happy life here

Important Affirmations For Healthy Life

  1. I am healing more and more every day.
  2. I am loving feeling fit and strong. It is easy for me to eat well and exercise regularly.
  3. I am healthy, I am happy, I am strong.
  4. My body heals quickly and easily.
  5. I am a magnet for healthy, uplifting, and empowering energy.
  6. I nourish my body with healthy choices.
  7. I welcome positive and healthy energy with open arms.
  8. I appreciate and love my body.
  9. I am living in vibrant health and energy.
  10. I am amazing and incredibly blessed.
  11. Every cell in my body is thriving.
  12. I love taking good care of myself.
  13. It comes naturally for me to feel good and healthy.
  14. I treat my body like a temple.
  15. I am healthy and full of energy.

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Positive Affirmations For Wealth And Money

  1. I am financially free.
  2. I am a magnet for money, success, and abundance. I feel a deep sense of wellbeing within myself and I go about my days with joy in my heart.
  3. The possibilities in my life are infinite.
  4. I attract abundance and prosperity with ease.
  5. I am becoming more and more successful and happy each day.
  6. I am open to receive all the great things that are coming my way.
  7. My talents are worthy of being paid abundantly.
  8. I am living fully aware that I am worthy of wealth.
  9. The money I spend will always be replaced with more.
  10. I am deserving of abundance in all areas of my life.
  11. Wealth, abundance, and financial stability are all things that come to me naturally.
  12. I am seeing myself as hugely financially prosperous and successful now.
  13. I am living a meaningful, abundant life.
  14. I will become incredibly wealthy and successful no matter what.
  15. Money comes to me easily and frequently.

Also Read: 15 Effective Positive Affirmations For Female Entrepreneurs

Affirmations For Love And Happiness

  1. I am living fully aware that I am worthy of love.
  2. I am in a loving, trusting and supportive relationship and I am deeply fulfilled.
  3. I am surrounded by love and life is good.
  4. I am seeing myself in a romantic relationship with my soul mate now.
  5. I have deeply-fulfilling friendships with happy people.
  6. My life is filled with positive, awesome people.
  7. I am radiating love – love for myself and love for others.
  8. I am living in joy and harmony with my partner – and we are very happy together.
  9. My life is filled with happiness, peace, and love.
  10. I am blessed with beautiful relationships with special people, for they are a reflection of what I am.
  11. I am loving openly, honestly, unconditionally, and compassionately and I receive this same love in return.
  12. The more I love myself, the more love I’m receiving from others.
  13. My heart is open and ready for love.
  14. I draw love and romance into my life with ease.
  15. My partner naturally makes me feel secure and loved.

You May Also Like: 100 Positive Affirmations For Attracting Love Into Your Life

Final Thoughts On Happy Affirmations

60 Happy Affirmations That Instantly Make You Feel Better (4)

Here you have them: 60 happy affirmations to make your day and improve your life!

Now go through the steps I listed above, follow the advice, and start reprogramming your brain to get rid of negative beliefs! Stuff it with happy thoughts that are so powerful that you can’t resist being happy. Repeat them every single day so you smile and feel confident while working towards your goals!

Let me just finish this with a nice quote from an inspirational book by Roy Bennett:

It’s important what thoughts you are feeding into your mind because your thoughts create your belief and experiences. You have positive thoughts and you have negative ones too. Nurture your mind with positive thoughts: kindness, empathy, compassion, peace, love, joy, humility, generosity, etc. The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life.

Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Keep your negative thoughts under control, fill your subconscious with positivity, and enjoy everything life has to offer!

Click here to see more useful tools and resources for a happy life

60 Happy Affirmations That Instantly Make You Feel Better (2024)


What is the most powerful word of affirmation? ›

50 Positive Self-Affirmations
  • I am successful.
  • I am confident.
  • I am powerful.
  • I am strong.
  • I am getting better and better every day.
  • All I need is within me right now.
  • I wake up motivated.
  • I am an unstoppable force of nature.
Apr 30, 2020

What top 3 affirmations are you going to start using? ›

3 Affirmations Successful People Repeat Every Day
  • I expect to win. I deserve to win.
  • I will not care what other people think.
  • I can't do everything today, but I can take one small step.
Apr 4, 2016

What is my daily affirmation today? ›

I am grateful for my health and well-being.” “I make choices that nourish and support my well-being.” “I am deserving of vibrant health and vitality.” “I nourish my mind and body with what I need to be healthy today.”

How do you make affirmations work instantly? ›

How to make affirmations work for you
  1. Keep them short.
  2. Choose words that cannot be seen as negative.
  3. Make them as if they are real – instead of saying I am going to/ I will try – say I am.
  4. Repeat often.
  5. Notice your breath and use your breath to help you relax with the affirmation.
Apr 18, 2021

What is a positive statement to make you feel better? ›

I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. I can do hard things. I allow myself to be more fully me. I believe in myself.

What are 10 nice words? ›

List of Positive Words in English for Everyday Communication
36 more rows

What are the 3 P's of affirmation? ›

Some suggest following the 3 P's rule: present tense, personal, and positive. This means that we want the affirmations: 1) to be couched as if they were already happening; 2) to relate to us meaningfully; and 3) to be aspirational.

What is the 555 technique affirmations? ›

The 55x5 method is rooted in the principles of the Law of Attraction. It's built upon the idea that consistent focus on a particular desire can attract corresponding events and opportunities into your life. The method involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times for 5 consecutive days.

What is the 555 method of affirmations? ›

55×5 Affirmations
  • Dear Universe, I am so grateful for $1 million dollars.
  • Dear Universe, I am blessed to have found the love of my life.
  • Dear Universe, thank you for my dream home.
  • Dear Universe, I now feel empowered, inspired and uplifted.
  • Dear Universe, I am healed, happy and in perfect health.
Jul 12, 2022

What is a positive affirmation? ›

Positive affirmations are positively loaded phrases, or statements that are used to challenge unhelpful or negative thoughts. People can use positive affirmations to motivate them, encourage positive changes in their life, or boost their self-esteem.

How do I give myself words of affirmation? ›

You can use positive affirmations anywhere, anytime. Give yourself a little pep talk out loud in front of the mirror, in your car on the way to work or anywhere you happen to be. Start your short positive affirmation with the words, “I am…” “I can…” or “I will…” followed by a present tense statement, says Bathgate.

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  4. 4) WRITING. ...
  7. 7) EVENING ROUTINE. ...
  8. 8) BREAKFAST.

Do positive affirmations really work? ›

Like anything else, positive affirmations take work. If you're not used to saying them and don't do so on a regular basis, they probably won't make much of a difference in a moment of need. “If we want to start to make less room for the negative thoughts, we have to intentionally practice positive thoughts,” Dr.

How many positive affirmations should I have? ›

To get the most benefit from affirmations, you'll want to start a regular practice and make it a habit: Start with 3 to 5 minutes at least twice a day. Try saying affirmations upon waking up and getting into bed, for example. Repeat each affirmation about 10 times.

How do you manifest something you want? ›

How to manifest things
  1. Think of something you want.
  2. Visualize it in detail, being as specific as possible, as though you already have it.
  3. Ask the universe for it.
  4. Say or write positive affirmations in the present tense (e.g., “I've landed my dream job.”) or look for images that capture what you're trying to manifest.
Jun 1, 2023

What is the power of affirming words? ›

Benefits of Words of Affirmation

Offering words of affirmation can help nurture emotional intimacy, which plays a crucial role in relationships. Receiving words of affirmation can help someone feel a greater sense of self-worth and motivation as well.

How powerful are words of affirmation? ›

Positive words can lift and inspire us, while negative words can bring us down and discourage us. This is why words of affirmation are so powerful as a love language. When someone expresses their love and appreciation through words, it can positively influence your sense of self and self-esteem.

What hurts words of affirmation? ›

Basically, if you criticize a person whose love language is Words of Affirmation, reject physical contact from a person whose love language is Physical Touch, or refuse to help someone whose love language is Acts of Service, they will probably feel completely rejected and unloved.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.