15 Things Men Said About Receiving Love Letters From Women - Motherhood Life Balance (2024)

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Have you ever written a love letter to a man? Or, as a man, received one from a woman? Someone recently asked Reddit, “How do men feel about receiving love letters from women?” And these are the top-voted responses.

1. More, Please

The top response to this question was, “More, please.” One said, “I second this. My wife kept a journal for her future husband from ten years old.

The last entry was the day of our wedding. She gave it to me as a wedding gift, brings tears to my eyes every time I open it.” It brought tears to my eyes too, buddy.

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2. Thrilling To Have Someone Make Moves Back

One admitted, “I’ve been out of the game for a long time, but back when I was dating, I loved when a woman I liked took the initiative. I’ve gotten love letters, and once even flowers.

It’s sometimes exhausting to be the person expected to make all the moves and thrilling to see someone make one back. Sending me a gift didn’t make any of those women feel or seem less feminine to me. It did make me feel more seen and wanted, and I adored feeling like that.”

3. Loved and Overly Appreciated

“My wife leaving little notes or letters for me to find makes me feel loved and overly appreciated,” one man confessed. Many in the thread agreed that they felt unappreciated in relationships because it’s rare that women cater to the guy emotionally.

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4. Melt My Cold, Icy Heart

Another stated, “Even if I thought it was corny, if it came from someone who cares about me and vice versa, it would probably melt my cold, icy heart like a warm summer day.”

5. Please Add Perfume

“If I ever get a letter with her perfume on it, I’m dropping everything and everyone for that girl,” admitted one. “I love receiving thoughtful gifts that remind me of the woman I like.”

Another agreed, “My ex used to do this and scent it with her perfume. I loved receiving them. I’d have had a bad day, and re-reading and smelling that letter made all the difference.”

6. Most Romantic Thing a Woman’s Ever Done

“When I was single, I sent flowers to a man at his workplace,” one woman explained. “We had been seeing each other and slept together for the first time that weekend.

The note mentioned that it was one of the best nights of my life (it was). He told me it was ‘the most romantic thing any woman had ever done for him.’ His coworkers in the office all noticed.”

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7. Men Keep Them in Boxes

Many men keep the letters as memories to look at later in the relationship, like one user’s husband, “As a woman who would send my (now husband) love letters, they love it. So he and I keep them in boxes. (We’re 23/24).”

8. I Would Cry

One man said, “I would cry if I got one, but the fact that I would is why I will never get one. Women aren’t attracted to emotional men like me.” Several other men agreed with this sentiment.

9. Most Important Documents

Most men in the thread agreed that these letters are essential documents in their lives. One volunteered, “I’ve gotten a few of these from my wife. All three of them are in the same folder. I keep my birth certificate, car titles, and other vital documents.

So, in a nutshell, more, please. I also love receiving flowers. I got flowers for the first time from my now wife because she heard men only get them for their funerals. I almost cried.”

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10. Toxic Masculinity

Many men in the thread noted, “The only types of men that don’t enjoy anything affectionate are stuck on toxic masculinity. They are so worried about people’s opinions of their emotions that they push affection away.”

11. Men In War Kept Hopes Up

One Redditor beautifully stated, “Men send love letters to women, and women send love letters to men. It’s been this way since the inception of hand-written notes to be mailed and delivered.

Men in war have kept their hopes up simply due to love letters from their women at home. Men soak up the love letters they receive from women.” Several veterans confirmed this sentiment.

12. Saving Even The Everyday Notes

Many men confessed that they even cherished the everyday lunchbox notes their wives leave, “Been with my wife for almost 16 years, and I still have every single love letter or card she has ever given me saved in a zip-up binder. Even every little lunch box note finds its way to the binder.”

13. Receiving Love Letters Changes Minds

Other men shared their opinions on love letters changed the first time one was received, “Honestly, I thought letters were silly until I got a letter from my girlfriend for the first time. My heart just melted, and I’m never throwing it away ever. I’ve got a folder in my wardrobe with every single letter she gave me.”

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14. Slightly Uncomfortable

A few men disagreed. However, in the minority, one mentioned they’d feel “Appreciative, but slightly unconformable. It’s not my love language. Cuddle me and feed me sushi.”

15. Throw It Away

Finally, a couple of men admitted that they would throw them away. One explained, “In all honesty, I’d probably just not believe it’s real and throw it away without a second thought.”

We hope you enjoyed this Reddit confessions list of how men feel about receiving love letters from women. This article is inspired by the internet and does not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Motherhood Life Balance.

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15 Things Men Said About Receiving Love Letters From Women - Motherhood Life Balance (2024)


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It can make them feel valued and special. Happiness: Receiving a love letter can bring a sense of joy and happiness. Knowing that someone has taken the time to express their feelings in a tangible way can be a heartwarming experience.

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As a girl, I write love letters to my boyfriend all the time. I don't believe that only the male gives you love letters! It's a sweet reminder that you love him/her/your partner so much!

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Even if your whole world revolves around her, you might feel shy about telling her. But this vulnerable and, therefore, brave act can go a long way in communicating how much you love her. And studies have shown that people can underestimate the positive effect receiving a heartfelt letter has on a person.

How would a man feel when a woman who has a crush on him gives him a letter? ›

It is a great feeling, because it gives you confidence in that you might not be too hideous after all. Do men appreciate love letter as a gift or is it too cheesy? Contrary to popular belief, men are human, too, and like to know they are appreciated. They like to know that they are loved and needed.

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You may notice that he's staring your way a lot and holding eye contact with you. You may also notice that he blushes easily around you or appears nervous. You may also hear that he's been talking about you to the important people in his life like family or close friends.

Do men appreciate love letters? ›

Guys love receiving love letters just as much as anyone, but getting all those emotions you feel in a love letter for him can be a little tricky. Don't worry about finding the perfect words, though. We've got you covered with some great examples of love letters for boyfriends to help inspire you.

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A love letter is an expression of love in written form. However delivered, the letter may be anything from a short and simple message of love to a lengthy explanation and description of feelings.

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Writing down your feelings and sharing them with your partner has many obvious benefits. Keeps the relationship fresh and renewed for both partners. Not only does it remind you of your feelings for them, but it also communicates that you still have feelings for them.

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It can represent a unique opportunity to use kind words to reflect on your best qualities as someone else—someone who loves you deeply—might see them.

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Love letters can be a really romantic way to let someone know you like them, but they can also come off strong and can veer into "creepy" territory if you're not careful.

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The first love language is words of affirmation, and it's all about expressing affection and appreciation through words, be it spoken, written, in texts, or all of the above.

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Your words carry the emotional feeling with the letter. It's something you keep, you preserve. A text may get deleted but a letter will become a memory that you can touch and feel. The curves of the handwriting often says how the person felt while writing the letter.

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Here are 10 silent ways men show their love without speaking a word:
  • He brings you around his friends. ...
  • He stays close to you physically. ...
  • He really listens to you. ...
  • He doesn't care what you do, as long as you're together. ...
  • He mirrors your behavior and body language. ...
  • He puts thought into the gifts he gives you. ...
  • He compromises.
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He Enters Fantasy Land. Men tend to fantasize when they are around women they are highly attracted to. He imagines feeling the curves of your body and listening to you tell him how much you want him. Or he thinks about how he would love to hear all about your passions and what you really want to do with your life.

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A man with genuine feelings for someone can show care, even in public. He may open the car door for you, get the coffee, or do anything else to help you, which may indicate his feelings for you. While there are men who are just plain gentlemen, a man who has feelings for you can go the extra mile.

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Any guy will love when his girl puts her effort while giving him love letter, Let it be old school type of love but it still gives goosebumps. But on a second thought some guys may be sarcastic & make fun of you but 99% of the guys will love your effort.

What does it mean when someone gives you a love letter? ›

A love letter is an expression of love in written form. However delivered, the letter may be anything from a short and simple message of love to a lengthy explanation and description of feelings.

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Love letters are grand romantic gestures often overlooked because they don't garner attention. They are quietly written, sent, and read.

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Love letters aren't as common for expressing feelings in the digital age as they once were, but they can still represent a romantic and heartfelt way for you to express your feelings to that special someone.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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