100 Days of Motivational Quotes to Inspire you Day #1 (2024)

100 Days of Motivational Quotes to Inspire you Day #1 (2)

I am here today because I am embarking on a journey, and I wanted to share that journey with you. I am doing 100 days of motivation, and I am taking these motivational quotes that I post all the time, and I am going to break them down for you, from my perspective on what makes them motivational. So Day #1 is an anonymous quote “if you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.”

This quote is a great one to start with and when you think about that how often when we’re about to embark on something great and excellent we get this great idea, this light bulb moment that we stop. We sit back, and we’re like oh wait let me see. Who can I speak with about this? Let me talk to somebody about this and let me see…Then all of a sudden, you converse with someone you care about or someone who has given you advice. Whoever that person is you speak to them or you ask them something or tell them about your great idea and then here comes the things that they have to say about your plan. It goes like this: “consider this consider that think about this think about that.”

Or it may not even be a person. You can stop your self because you begin to ask yourself for permission to do this great thing. W what do I mean? When I state that you are asking yourself for approval, I mean you are seeking the reasons why you shouldn’t do this why you couldn’t do this why it won’t work for you. I’m speaking for myself. I get motivated and inspired when you go to a conference you go to a meeting you go to work, and something happens that moves you to the point where you want to do something. Then when you do it or you get prepared, and suddenly you start asking around trying to figure out if this will work. You wonder what’s in your mind and you’re putting it out for other people to critique. You want someone else to navigate your thoughts, your beliefs and what you think about yourself.

Naturally, the person you’re speaking with is coming from their perspective, insecurities, challenges, and their experiences. While it is great to have someone else’s perspective, but you need not ask their permission to move your life forward.

What you’re doing is you are setting yourself up you’re attempting to disqualify your thought to disqualify your good idea. I am incredibly risk-averse. I prefer not to taking risks. I’m always looking for the sure thing the one thing that I know that if I put A then I’m going to get 2+A out and that’s what I tend to seek.

If I want to be great, I have to do something a lot different. I have to think differently. I have to react differently. I have to take more risks. What I found in not asking people for permission to do things, I realized that I am more ready to step out on my own in my control and do the things that I know are helpful and beneficial and useful to other people. My bottom line is always to serve. I want to help people. I want people to be able to come to me and access information and get useful information and to learn and grow and become better people.

So the motivation of not asking someone’s permission is that you’re not discounting their expertise or their wisdom, but you have to think about why you, the person with the idea, are asking something of someone that is outside of you.

Why are you doing asking permission to do your idea or passion project? Are you doing that because you generally want them to tell you bad stuff or give you information? Or are you using it to confirm what you already believe about this particular project?

So this particular motivational quote “if you want to do something great you have to stop asking permission” is simply a way of calling attention to yourself to stop asking other people outside of yourself to VALIDATE your good idea. Outside validation of your ability to achieve something speaks to your insecurity. You can validate your ability to go out and do this work. Yes things cost money if you’re going to do something for yourself to become great that’s going to cost you one of two things…it’s going to cost you time, or it’s going to cost you money. It will likely cost you a bit of both, but you have to get beyond being risk-averse beyond trying to disqualify yourself and get motivated to move forward.

Take this kind of motivation and dig deep figure out why you’re asking someone else for permission to move your life forward. If you’re willing to put in the sweat equity to get this off the ground, then it doesn’t matter what anyone else is thinking it doesn’t matter what people say are the roadblocks. Yes, thank you for telling me where the barriers are and where they may be, but I am going to do this anyway.

There’s going to be some bumps. I’m going to learn from them. I’m going to have some disappointment. I’m going to grow from them. They’re going to be some triumphs I’m going to use those as stepping stones, and I’m going to continue to move forward.

So that is my first motivation day in day one in my 100 days of motivation. I hope this is going to be helpful to someone who may recognize themselves in this piece and step back and rethink why it is that you can’t seem to get ahead. Yet you continue to give people avenues into your world to tell you why you can’t get ahead. And to keep you from moving forward with your ventures.

Find me on FB at Carolyndmack, You can find me on IG, Twitter and FB @TaylorMcKiney Strategies.

100 Days of Motivational Quotes to Inspire you Day #1 (2024)
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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.